ProKI potassium iodide provides effective and easy protection from radiation
ProKi - 100ct Bottle
$18.75 Add to Cart

ProKI potassium iodide provides effective and easy protection from radiation ProKI potassium iodide provides effective and easy protection from radiation ProKI potassium iodide provides effective and easy protection from radiation ProKI potassium iodide provides effective and easy protection from radiation
4 bottles for $56.25
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( just $14.06 each!)

Pro KI - Potassium Iodide article on California KI Purchase Information Slideshow

US FEMA Federal Policy on Potassium Iodide

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Q&A

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Updates & News

We offer a full line of gas masks and safety equipment.

Is Potassium Iodide safe for me and my children?
It's perfectly safe and has been used for decades by civilians and military
personnel with no ill side-effects. It can be taken by children of any age.
A complete FDA guidance information sheet is included with every order.

How much do I take and when do I take it?
Adults take 2 tablets a day only during radiation exposure. Children 3 to 18 years old
(<155lbs) should take 1 tablet per day, age 1 month to 3 years take 1/2 tablet per
day and birth through 1 month take 1/4 tablet.

What is Potassium Iodide and how does it work?
Radioactive Iodine (radioiodine) is produced in nuclear explosions and comes down in
fallout. If inhaled or ingested, it resides in the thyroid gland increasing a risk of cancer.
Potassium Iodide harmlessly saturates the thyroid, blocking absorption of radioiodine.

Is this the same as Potassium Iodate?
Potassium Iodide as found in Pro-KI is recommended over
Potassium Iodate by the World Health Organization because the
Iodate form can cause gastro intestinal irritation and discomfort.

Does ProKI have an expiration date and how old is it?
This batch of Pro-KI was manufactured in 7/2009, That's less than
1 month old, and guarantees you the freshest supply available anywhere.
Expires in 7/2014, although if kept under proper conditions,
Pro-KI could last significantly longer.